Judith, Ester and Simon can’t get enough of talking about the day, when God’s Messiah finally comes to the earth.

The shepherd kids
A small children’s musical, that puts the birth of Jesus into an interesting context and frames it with beautiful songs. Waiting for Jesus: Back then and today.
The Story

Then suddenly the angel of God announces to them and the older shepherds the birth of Jesus. The baby was born not far away!

The shepherds set off to find the baby Jesus in the crib. The older shepherds even bring presents.
The shepherd children are sad because they have nothing they can give to the newborn child. But what’s most important to them is to be present.

Even today we wait for the coming of Jesus: Julia, Stefan and Marlies are fascinated and talk about the day, when Jesus returns. When will it be?
The Message
The waiting for the coming of Jesus is a very exciting thing, back then and today. Nobody knows the day or the hour when it’ll happen. How can we be prepared? The shepherd children alert us that superficial things like power or skills are not so important – it’s the heart that counts.
Quick Facts

6 years+

ca. 15 min

Next concert dates
You want to bring the musical to a place near you? Contact us at info@kisi.org.
This musical does not exist on CD yet. You can find all the songs on the CD ‚Star role in Bethlehem‘.