What now? Since Jesus died and resurrected, the disciples don’t know what to do. They go back to what they’ve been doing forever: Fishing. But they don’t catch anything.

Let’s go fishing
A small musical about a big topic: Jesus‘ task for us all. With effective acting scenes and dynamic songs, it tells the story of how Jesus meets the disciples after his resurrection while they are fishing.

The Story

Suddenly there’s a man on the shore and tells them to cast the net on the other side of the boat.

Even though it seems silly, the disciples obey – and make a huge catch.
Then they realise the man is Jesus. Peter immediately jumps into the water and swims to him.

When they all sit around the fire, Jesus has a task for them: Go out into the world and proclaim the good news.
The Message
Not only for the disciples, but for each and every one of us, God has a task. But to find that task, isn’t always easy. Sometimes we need a reminder or a bit more patience. If we try to do everything our own way, we’ll never be successful, just like the disciples didn’t have any success with fishing. But through Jesus‘ task his whole power is also available to us. And through his task he gives us a purpose and a goal.

Quick Facts

6 years+

ca. 15 min.


Next concert dates
You want to bring the musical to a place near you? Contact us at info@kisi.org.
The DVD of this musical contains English subtitles.