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Future Stars

A shy girl, a singing contest and an incredible message – that’s what makes this musical a thrilling mixture of memorable songs, moving acting and modern choreographies.


The Story

Katharina is discouraged and sad at first. But then she’s encouraged to find and sing God’s melody for her life. With her the audience experiences, that you can find hope and trust in your faith. Katharina wants to share the hope she’s found. That’s challenging and she really wants to win too…

Her best friend Stephanie takes her to the ‚Party of the year‘. But Katharina doesn’t feel comfortable there.

Instead she meets up with her dance teacher Lisa and finds unexpected encouragement. Maybe she should enter the contest after all…

Wow. Katharina made it all the way to the final round at ‚Future Stars‘ and now she plans on singing a song with a very special message, even though not everyone will think it’s ‚cool‘.

In front of a huge crowd Katharina sings her ’song of hope‘. But will this be enough to win?

The Message

Katharina is discouraged and sad at first. But then she’s encouraged to find and sing God’s melody for her life. With her the audience experiences, that you can find hope and trust in your faith. Katharina wants to share the hope she’s found. That’s challenging and she really wants to win too…

Quick Facts


6 years+


ca. 70 min.



Production Team

Author: Birgit Minichmayr

Production: Karl Wenninger, Hannes Minichmayr

Arrangements: Markus Herzer

Vocal coach: Johannes Mertl

Choreography: Natalie Tomaschko, Tabea Binder

Light design: Andi Gruber

Sound design: Johannes Minichmayr


Premiere: 2006

Reinterpretation: 2015


Particularities: This musical excites the whole family, like all KISI musicals, but this one was written especially for teenagers.

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The DVD of this musical contains English subtitles.


(with sheet music)
